It’s usually the butt or the gut — especially this time of year, as temperatures start dropping and that cream of crab soup starts tasting good.
Tips to avoid seasonal weight gain:
- If you find yourself drinking or eating often to warm up: Put on a sweater,It sounds silly. But a lot of times, we are using food or drink to do something it’s really not designed to do.”
- Be choosy: “If someone brings in some cookies to the office, but you don’t really like cookies that much, don’t eat them,” Stern said. “Save those calories for something that is your favorite.”
- When you know you’re going to be in a tempting situation (such as a party), eat a high-protein meal or snack beforehand. “Plan your cheats,” .“People feel like when they go off the nutrition plan, they are cheating. Turn that around and take the control back.”
- Eat balanced meals throughout the day “so you’re not crashing and spiking, crashing and spiking and storing all that fat,”. “The golden rule for me is to never be hungry and never be full.”
- Do the math: “My philosophy is that you have to keep moving. It all adds up,” Tucker said. That could mean doing pushups while your toast is cooking — but not burning.
- Eat as your great grandmother did: Focus on eating whole, nonprocessed foods like whole grains, fruits and vegetables, Tucker said. “None of our grandmothers could just open a box of Rice-A-Roni.”
“It’s a matter of motivation and finding your source of fuel in life that pushes you,” said a friend of mine , who had cancer when he was a midshipman. The experience led him to live a healthier lifestyle and teach others as well.
“Once you’re a couple of minutes into it, you’ve already committed yourself. Just make yourself take the first step.”
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